[Vpn-help] Only ICMP working

stijnvdv skitex at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 15:08:49 CDT 2008

Hi there,

I am trying to get shrew vpn working on a Cisco PIX device.

I can establish a connection and icmp works fine.
But when i try to establish an ip connection it wont get through.

I am trying to connect to a remote rdp session tcp/3389
On the Pix debugging I see syn timeouts when i try to connect --> so my
client with the shrew vpn connection dont gets an ack response

I debugged the rdp server also and I see that it sends ack responses. so the
problem relies not on the rdp server.

the cisco vpn client works properly. so it hasnt anything to do with access
rules, ...
Like I allready said --> icmp is not a problem

does anyone know why my ip traffic wont get through?
in the attachment you find the shrun of the pix device

Thanks in advanced
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