[vpn-help] Fwd: Internet connection dies after some minutes of heavy download traffic

wosgien at gmail.com wosgien at gmail.com
Sun May 16 16:54:26 CDT 2010

Hi Matthew,

2010/5/16 Matthew Grooms <mgrooms at shrew.net>

> On 5/16/2010 4:11 PM, wosgien at gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> 2010/5/16 Matthew Grooms <mgrooms at shrew.net <mailto:mgrooms at shrew.net>>
>>    A few more questions ...
>>    1) What type of connection are you using ( local ethernet, internet
>>    dsl, cable, fiber )?
> Ok. So the bulk of the traffic is NNTP ( TCP:119 ) traffic?

Yes, exactly.

Just a further note: When I'm downloading binary files from the usenet, i
have configures NewsLeecher to use 50 connections to the server in parallel.

> I have a VDSL line with 50 Mbps, and I have a router Telekom Speedport W
>> 722V. My PC is connected to the router via devolo dLAN powerline.
>>    2) What is the nature of your IP traffic during high utilization (
>>    ftp http, torrent )?
> Nice :) I wish I had a 50Mbps connection to my house. In any case, does
> this involve some sort of PPP negotiation between your router and the telco
> edge?

Yes, I think so.

> If so, that would lend credence to my theory that the issue is related to
> our kernel mode IP fragment cache code. I'm setting up a test system for
> this at the moment, but you can also try setting the soft MTU of your
> workstations network adapter to 1400 bytes or so ...
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\{AdapterID}\Tcpip\Parameters
> Name : MTU
> Data Type: DWORD
> Set it to equal the required MTU size in decimal (default 1500)
> ... and disable/re-enable the adapter. This will cause TCP to use a MSS of
> 1380 or so which should avoid any IP fragmentation. After your done testing,
> you can just revert the MTU change.

Hmm, there are a huge number of entries
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ and it's not so
easy for me to find {AdapterID}. For the time being, I would like to avoid
that test. However, if you are not able to find and fix the problem without
me doing that test, let me know and I will try it.

> Downloading binary files from the usenet by means of NewsLeecher. Usenet
>> provider is Giganews. NOT using encrypted server connection (SSL).
>>    3) Does the problem still occur if all Shrew Soft services are
>>    stopped in the computer management console?
>> After stopping all three Shrew Soft services (but with the Shrew Soft
>> Lightweight Filter still enabled), the problem still occurs.
> Ok, definitely an issue isolated to the driver code. Thanks for testing.
> -Matthew

Best regards,
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