[Vpn-help] SSH connection hang with beta 2

Tai-hwa Liang avatar at mmlab.cse.yzu.edu.tw
Fri May 4 02:20:05 CDT 2007


   After upgrading to 2.0.0 beta 2, our users reported that ssh 
connection using PuTTY to LAN servers hangs much more regular than
using 1.1.0.

 	Windows XP(PuTTY) -> gateway(ipsec-tools-0.6.7) -> LAN server

   For example, the data volume generated by running "find /" on server
could hang the PuTTY.  Meanwhilst, opening a Windows command prompt and
"ping -t server" on the same box still works however.

   In addition to that, trying to tweak the "Maximum packet size" in
client configuration doesn't seem to help to resolve this hanging.
The gateway has following relevant settings:

---------------------- begin of racoon.conf ----------------------
remote anonymous {
         # work mode in IKE first phase
         exchange_mode           aggressive,main;

         # certificate type, certificate and secret key file name
         certificate_type x509   "host.crt" "host.key";
         ca_type x509            "ca-chain.pem";

         # claiming the options requested by other peer
         proposal_check          claim;
         # automatic generation of SPs from the initial connection request
         generate_policy         on;

         # enforce peer certificate verification
         verify_cert             on;

         # enforce peer identity verification
         verify_identifier       on;
         my_identifier           asn1dn;
 	peers_identifier asn1dn "C=TW, O=Company, CN=testuser";

 	# nat-t set to off
#       nat_traversal   off;
         # DPD activation and 20 sec. delay allowed between 2 proof of
         # liveness requests
         dpd_delay       20;
         # IKE fragmentation enabled
         ike_frag        on;

         # agreement proposal in IKE first phase
         proposal {
                 encryption_algorithm    aes;
                 hash_algorithm          sha1;
                 authentication_method   rsasig;
                 dh_group                2;

# local network information
mode_cfg {
         # starting address of the IP address pool

         # maximum number of clients
         pool_size       20;

         # authentication source user database on the system
         auth_source     pam;

         # configuration source from data given in this section
         conf_source     local;

         # DNS and WINS servers IP addresses
         dns4  ;
         wins4 ;

         # welcome message
         banner          "/etc/racoon/motd";

# SA information for IKE second phase
sainfo anonymous {
         pfs_group                       2;
         lifetime time                   1 hour;
         encryption_algorithm            aes, 3des, blowfish 448;
         authentication_algorithm        hmac_sha1, hmac_md5;
         compression_algorithm           deflate;
---------------------- end of racoon.conf ----------------------

   Note that the same hanging also affects other applications such like
CVS/SVN over SSH tunnel.  Anyone has similar experience?


Tai-hwa Liang

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