[Vpn-help] VPN ZYWALL 70

Brice Paccoud brice.paccoud at free.fr
Fri Jul 4 14:01:48 CDT 2008

08/07/04 20:17:46 ## : IKE Daemon, ver 2.1.0
08/07/04 20:17:46 ## : Copyright 2007 Shrew Soft Inc.
08/07/04 20:17:46 ## : This product linked OpenSSL 0.9.8h 28 May 2008
08/07/04 20:17:46 ii : opened 'C:\Program Files\ShrewSoft\VPN 
08/07/04 20:17:46 ii : opened 'C:\Program Files\ShrewSoft\VPN 
08/07/04 20:17:46 ii : opened 'C:\Program Files\ShrewSoft\VPN 
08/07/04 20:17:46 ii : rebuilding vnet device list ...
08/07/04 20:17:46 ii : device ROOT\VNET\0000 disabled
08/07/04 20:17:50 ii : network process thread begin ...
08/07/04 20:17:50 ii : pfkey process thread begin ...
08/07/04 20:17:50 ii : ipc server process thread begin ...
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : ipc client process thread begin ...
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : peer config add message
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : peer ref increment ( ref count = 1, obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : peer added ( obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local address selected for peer
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : peer ref increment ( ref count = 2, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : tunnel ref increment ( ref count = 1, obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : tunnel added ( obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : proposal config message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : proposal config message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : client config message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : local id '' message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : remote id '**.**.**.**.**' message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : preshared key message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : remote resource message
08/07/04 20:31:15 <A : peer tunnel enable message
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : tunnel ref increment ( ref count = 2, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : new phase1 ( ISAKMP initiator )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : exchange type is aggressive
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : <-> **.**.**.**:500
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:0000000000000000
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 1, obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : phase1 added ( obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : security association payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : - proposal #1 payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : -- transform #1 payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : key exchange payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : nonce payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : identification payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v00 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v01 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v02 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v03 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports nat-t ( rfc )
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports FRAGMENTATION
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local supports DPDv1
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local is SHREW SOFT compatible
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local is CISCO UNITY compatible
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local is NETSCREEN compatible
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local is SIDEWINDER compatible
08/07/04 20:31:15 >> : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:15 ii : local is CHECKPOINT compatible
08/07/04 20:31:15 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:0000000000000000
08/07/04 20:31:15 -> : send IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:500 ( 552 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 45000228 edbf0000 4011209f c0a81e0a 527f3935 
01f401f4 02144219 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : f8df2c4b 00000000 00000000 01100400 00000000 
0000020c 04000038 00000001
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 00000001 0000002c 01010001 00000024 01010000 
80010005 80020001 80040002
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 80030001 800b0001 000c0004 00007080 0a000084 
15c6a3a3 89fbcabe b4fa635c
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 8fbd1f4a 04dd1139 db761118 13319cff 35b832ef 
958c44c7 a5d4a849 15979097
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 83952611 b654d1dc ec833920 63acd5e7 74de25ca 
995210e9 bfd998cd 656b1a4d
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 73b6ead0 eabc2f95 ea9e1c39 377dd20a 8ea97053 
28aa3386 6477ec35 97e8d12a
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : d0123fa3 148a6e65 2727c13a e2315444 61852660 
05000018 edeb3f33 a40f4f8b
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 76b90952 54dfb995 4878fe50 0d00000c 01000000 
7f000001 0d000014 4485152d
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 18b6bbcd 0be8a846 9579ddcc 0d000014 16f6ca16 
e4a4066d 83821a0f 0aeaa862
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 0d000014 90cb8091 3ebb696e 086381b5 ec427b1f 
0d000014 7d9419a6 5310ca6f
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 2c179d92 15529d56 0d000014 4a131c81 07035845 
5c5728f2 0e95452f 0d000018
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 4048b7d5 6ebce885 25e7de7f 00d6c2d3 80000000 
0d000014 afcad713 68a1f1c9
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 6b8696fc 77570100 0d000014 f14b94b7 bff1fef0 
2773b8c4 9feded26 0d000014
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 12f5f28c 457168a9 702d9fe2 74cc0100 0d000018 
166f932d 55eb64d8 e4df4fd3
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 7e2313f0 d0fd8451 0d000014 8404adf9 cda05760 
b2ca292e 4bff537b 0000002c
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : f4ed19e0 c114eb51 6faaac0e e37daf28 07b4381f 
00000002 0000138e 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:15 0x : 00000000 18800000
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : phase1 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 1, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:15 DB : tunnel ref increment ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 <- : recv IKE packet **.**.**.**:500 -> ( 396 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 01100400 
00000000 0000018c 04000038
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 00000001 00000001 0000002c 01010001 00000024 
01010000 80010005 80020001
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 80030001 80040002 800b0001 000c0004 00007080 
0a000084 0428c18e c0e7976c
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 73f48d7e 2da0bd5f dccd1635 ca302329 6cdbcfe4 
a1b4e6d2 44d502c4 15874907
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 675d7877 f11005ba 6304e4be 8ef4e34b f3a49901 
1fdf1d79 7ea766a0 15cd191b
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : d716b264 dd8719d1 b1926962 d20bcbac 76864a0e 
94d41b2d e32af5c1 a4ff6767
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 967c9439 b5fb0663 ab9e7766 0696c0e3 6bd41b5c 
1a68c41d 05000018 2d83c85a
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 375cc215 fbe7488e 67d423c7 2601c312 0800000c 
01000000 527f3935 0d000014
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1397710d 23929468 1170e724 8a8a7a2b 0d000014 
4a131c81 07035845 5c5728f2
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 0e95452f 0d000014 4485152d 18b6bbcd 0be8a846 
9579ddcc 0d000014 afcad713
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 68a1f1c9 6b8696fc 77570100 14000018 62502774 
9d5ab97f 5616c160 2765cf48
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 0a3b7d0b 14000014 8f34e75e e47bb23f ccfec483 
1ed0cea1 00000014 d3366a38
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 49a2452d 7bc23536 143f62c6
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 2, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 396 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : security association payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : - propsal #1 payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : -- transform #1 payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : matched isakmp proposal #1 transform #1
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - transform    = ike
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - cipher type  = 3des
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - key length   = default
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - hash type    = md5
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - dh group     = modp-1024
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - auth type    = psk
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - life seconds = 28800
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - life kbytes  = 0
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : key exchange payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : nonce payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : identification payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : phase1 id match ( natt prevents ip match )
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : phase1 id match ( ipv4-host **.**.**.** )
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : peer supports nat-t ( rfc )
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : peer supports nat-t ( draft v00 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : peer supports DPDv1
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : vendor id payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : peer is ZYWALL compatible
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : nat discovery payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 << : nat discovery payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : nat discovery - local address is translated
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : switching to nat-t udp port 4500
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : DH shared secret ( 128 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 956d571f 332ae023 73aa6037 88b4e945 0a89b185 
cd97dad0 252dbef3 d3d95624
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : d6e46672 5d50477b 74c26dd3 c75f41f0 a6ecdd6f 
df512bee 4587331e ffed7ef2
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : d4063dd5 7d45be76 419d066d 0e116afc 438a9512 
919128fc 8b12b760 59c22166
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 85abe32c 0286d44b 461db1c1 b3b72e1f 4133686a 
7aed3aa9 4c0b9707 af24a2c4
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : SETKEYID ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : a49a9528 6c9e9b55 7bf15b9a c60a32fa
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : SETKEYID_d ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 764b5013 13d0979a 5ec57b5a 3aa75c2e
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : SETKEYID_a ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1851b587 99830f09 8673861d 00164f1b
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : SETKEYID_e ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 86de27ec 08e738c0 c86eb221 1c62b628
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : cipher key ( 32 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : dd3be1e3 b996b9bf c57107bf e0cc7454 c1e49cf5 
47a02963 fb05310b 5e450da3
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : cipher iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : e2a5317e 5df90ad9
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : phase1 hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : c96ffe4d 0c901679 5c9dce87 0ed70719
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : nat discovery payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : nat discovery payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : e2a5317e 5df90ad9
08/07/04 20:31:16 => : encrypt packet ( 88 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100401 
00000000 00000058 14000014
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : c96ffe4d 0c901679 5c9dce87 0ed70719 14000014 
d1c0b869 24dbd8bd 3dfa92e1
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1aa4d218 00000014 7f491886 a4bac335 11f988ed e1266266
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : fb8803fd bec6842b
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 124 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 4500007c f0bf0000 40111f4b c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 0068b2d4 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100401 
00000000 0000005c 5fce105f
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 9ec12b76 c79c6305 49069da4 ea40024b 74f25a9e 
d5e83a15 2728b0fc 5e21128a
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 3032bc1d 03f26976 f11d46cf 4414e082 0020cabc 
fb8803fd bec6842b
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : phase1 hash_r ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1397710d 23929468 1170e724 8a8a7a2b
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : phase1 hash_r ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1397710d 23929468 1170e724 8a8a7a2b
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : phase1 sa established
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : **.**.**.**:4500 <->
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : sending peer INITIAL-CONTACT notification
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - data size 0
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : d8d8ac87 d6d4aaff d57f8403 eb217b9e
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 8c666fc8 7211912c
08/07/04 20:31:16 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 8c666fc8 7211912c
08/07/04 20:31:16 => : encrypt packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
90d94b74 0000004c 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : d8d8ac87 d6d4aaff d57f8403 eb217b9e 0000001c 
00000001 01106002 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : af87d518 668cabc4
08/07/04 20:31:16 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 108 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 4500006c f2bf0000 40111d5b c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 00584b49 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
90d94b74 0000004c c2a9afe2
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : e995acd1 ae0b6fe3 1dbdf32f 2fcce4dc 2181dec4 
ea53b1c9 560a9224 27dd1b0e
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 3624cd8f af87d518 668cabc4
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : tunnel ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : tunnel ref increment ( ref count = 5, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : tunnel ref increment ( ref count = 6, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : config ref increment ( ref count = 1, obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : config added ( obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : xauth is not required
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : building config attribute list
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - IP4 DNS Server
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : - IP4 WINS Server
08/07/04 20:31:16 ii : sending config pull request
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1b313d48 19941a87
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 >> : attribute payload
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : new configure hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : c2e746e4 aae47695 047169c8 8f7e070a
08/07/04 20:31:16 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:16 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 1b313d48 19941a87
08/07/04 20:31:16 => : encrypt packet ( 64 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100601 
ea0c8bbe 00000040 0e000014
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : c2e746e4 aae47695 047169c8 8f7e070a 00000010 
010076db 00030000 00040000
08/07/04 20:31:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 406b49ef 6abeeb03
08/07/04 20:31:16 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 100 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 45000064 f4bf0000 40111b63 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 0050324e 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100601 
ea0c8bbe 00000044 b24bb94e
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : baf47426 79e7c1ea 94506ae4 ab006287 bd8fa1fc 
10462ebf ce87fcb6 406b49ef
08/07/04 20:31:16 0x : 6abeeb03
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : config ref decrement ( ref count = 1, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 2, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase2 not found
08/07/04 20:31:16 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : resend 1 packet(s) for config exchange
08/07/04 20:31:21 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
4a982169 0000004c 3c5e033d
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 61d2a2a3 4c95beeb b45368b6 8db372e3 cad00419 
1d81495e 11ff0f93 79474868
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 3ce3a73d b5ef6b42 eda29dc5
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:31:21 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:21 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : processing informational packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 7477c8f3 8c7c104f
08/07/04 20:31:21 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:21 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 7477c8f3 8c7c104f
08/07/04 20:31:21 <= : decrypt packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
4a982169 0000004c 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 9220b7a0 a75544ca f1093f6c 3f4858b0 0000001c 
00000001 01100010 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:21 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : b5ef6b42 eda29dc5
08/07/04 20:31:21 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:21 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:21 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 9220b7a0 a75544ca f1093f6c 3f4858b0
08/07/04 20:31:21 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:21 0x : 9220b7a0 a75544ca f1093f6c 3f4858b0
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : received peer PAYLOAD-MALFORMED notification
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:21 ii : - data size 0
08/07/04 20:31:21 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : resend 1 packet(s) for config exchange
08/07/04 20:31:26 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
d5e15dde 0000004c 03981fd1
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : bbdae8a7 a04ae274 eacf9eb3 ed432e5b 4c2a537d 
b3b8f27a 23697677 a3f7de41
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : 01710203 d4829497 7820227c
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:31:26 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:26 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : processing informational packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : 3e15c5d8 a56eb69f
08/07/04 20:31:26 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:26 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : 3e15c5d8 a56eb69f
08/07/04 20:31:26 <= : decrypt packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
d5e15dde 0000004c 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : bc6bf00f 6b498ee8 5669093e 3a53f17d 0000001c 
00000001 01100010 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:26 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : d4829497 7820227c
08/07/04 20:31:26 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:26 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:26 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : bc6bf00f 6b498ee8 5669093e 3a53f17d
08/07/04 20:31:26 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:26 0x : bc6bf00f 6b498ee8 5669093e 3a53f17d
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : received peer PAYLOAD-MALFORMED notification
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:26 ii : - data size 0
08/07/04 20:31:26 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:31:31 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:31 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 0632cd04 807f8cd7 a50e40f2 f06a018b
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : a6745229 b073dbd9
08/07/04 20:31:31 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:31 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : a6745229 b073dbd9
08/07/04 20:31:31 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
37768882 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 0632cd04 807f8cd7 a50e40f2 f06a018b 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce4
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 85e16431 5b8294de
08/07/04 20:31:31 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 45000074 f8bf0000 40111753 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 00605a1f 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
37768882 00000054 387f6b1c
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : b5f1eaa5 1876fe75 57d5146e 17224034 aa52281b 
dd68e9b6 1b9de459 00492c74
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 3ef5bd61 cc080320 320aff0a 85e16431 5b8294de
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abce4 requested
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : resend limit exceeded for config exchange
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : config deleted ( obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : tunnel ref decrement ( ref count = 5, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
af715299 00000054 8307a079
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 02629676 4bda3c8a 119a68fd 3b65ee5c b449414e 
f4579017 397645c9 05437b77
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 267b32f6 c009b320 aff9d9de 24f890bf df98e089
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : be2a8851 048d30b1
08/07/04 20:31:31 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:31 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : be2a8851 048d30b1
08/07/04 20:31:31 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
af715299 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : ad0a0da1 33f50922 f6372a2f 9bd5fea3 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce4 8487e915
08/07/04 20:31:31 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : 24f890bf df98e089
08/07/04 20:31:31 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:31 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : ad0a0da1 33f50922 f6372a2f 9bd5fea3
08/07/04 20:31:31 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:31 0x : ad0a0da1 33f50922 f6372a2f 9bd5fea3
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abce4 accepted
08/07/04 20:31:31 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:31:31 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:46 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:31:46 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:46 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 433f80b5 2b880ee0 6cc796dd 13bf966b
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 6f5aed23 9f08d46c
08/07/04 20:31:46 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:46 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 6f5aed23 9f08d46c
08/07/04 20:31:46 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
f934dacb 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 433f80b5 2b880ee0 6cc796dd 13bf966b 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce5
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : fac8d7c8 919dc01f
08/07/04 20:31:46 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 45000074 fdbf0000 40111253 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 0060774d 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
f934dacb 00000054 5ab698f0
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 73cbec2e d08cc4cb 52dc75d5 bf1a60ab 7589da87 
b35f1b5e 92c1ab1c e6dd7383
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 22b08e51 1f1ee542 848ba40f fac8d7c8 919dc01f
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abce5 requested
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:46 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
1daf282b 00000054 423d442d
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : b9b05e60 77c60b45 00dbe607 bf0b604c 6ba1ad44 
0e6d5f6c b78e92ee bf1e3032
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 3c33686c b30f864f 7f5f2134 f3dfc577 8f251354
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : fa0130fe cbd841a4
08/07/04 20:31:46 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:46 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : fa0130fe cbd841a4
08/07/04 20:31:46 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
1daf282b 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : eedb7cc2 85b86f5f 3bcc6725 c74bc3ca 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce5 00000000
08/07/04 20:31:46 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : f3dfc577 8f251354
08/07/04 20:31:46 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:31:46 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : eedb7cc2 85b86f5f 3bcc6725 c74bc3ca
08/07/04 20:31:46 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:31:46 0x : eedb7cc2 85b86f5f 3bcc6725 c74bc3ca
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abce5 accepted
08/07/04 20:31:46 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:31:46 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:01 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:01 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:01 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 0e308b07 9f6adc1e 1f833130 86b76864
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : aca8c3d3 85139921
08/07/04 20:32:01 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:01 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : aca8c3d3 85139921
08/07/04 20:32:01 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
7c97f0c9 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 0e308b07 9f6adc1e 1f833130 86b76864 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce6
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : fee5d3d7 06ffc57b
08/07/04 20:32:01 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 45000074 01c00000 40110e53 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 0060b77f 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
7c97f0c9 00000054 66a0dcbc
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 8db82dec 520a4378 9672f2e5 74f1bbfc 90358077 
9be7839f e0993a7d 6f7146db
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : a03119ba b5455619 84eb7768 fee5d3d7 06ffc57b
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abce6 requested
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:01 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
9dead2e8 00000054 ad9166de
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : f33d8a2e b8e82a14 83377e32 bb9fe8f7 aed1186a 
20576589 cd0733d9 9a353ea1
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 5a05d56e a60fd157 8ca115e7 8331a3a6 875a1160
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 6fd5473d 328df299
08/07/04 20:32:01 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:01 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 6fd5473d 328df299
08/07/04 20:32:01 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
9dead2e8 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 3053e6fc af60c29a bbd65933 90332222 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce6 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:01 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 8331a3a6 875a1160
08/07/04 20:32:01 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:01 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 3053e6fc af60c29a bbd65933 90332222
08/07/04 20:32:01 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:01 0x : 3053e6fc af60c29a bbd65933 90332222
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abce6 accepted
08/07/04 20:32:01 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:32:01 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:16 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:16 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:16 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 36c00c71 9bf32a7e 98499805 26a15f8e
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 60ec02c3 1e56d7a3
08/07/04 20:32:16 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:16 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 60ec02c3 1e56d7a3
08/07/04 20:32:16 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
fc643899 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 36c00c71 9bf32a7e 98499805 26a15f8e 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce7
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 90767b55 f03a6bd6
08/07/04 20:32:16 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 45000074 05c00000 40110a53 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 00607da4 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
fc643899 00000054 1c398f72
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 0a8197af 6e0c9629 924582aa 99ad5b7c d99ea3a1 
a108e92a 06c1944a c6b9e3d8
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 3555b414 2591bfd0 a34ca044 90767b55 f03a6bd6
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abce7 requested
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:16 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
33d189e3 00000054 3af37d90
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : beb8533d 89f5f7f8 c8aa1114 b1c4aa14 adb75ea3 
665ecdcb 86fcc00b abb90072
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 9d3b6b88 ef2870c4 676efb09 55d70a8d e6030d8e
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : c126f258 e0a7b56d
08/07/04 20:32:16 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:16 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : c126f258 e0a7b56d
08/07/04 20:32:16 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
33d189e3 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : f5ff17e5 09b5855d 6589426e ce6f6927 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce7 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:16 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : 55d70a8d e6030d8e
08/07/04 20:32:16 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:16 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : f5ff17e5 09b5855d 6589426e ce6f6927
08/07/04 20:32:16 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:16 0x : f5ff17e5 09b5855d 6589426e ce6f6927
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abce7 accepted
08/07/04 20:32:16 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:32:16 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:31 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:31 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:31 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 63ee8b98 c88e237c ca72acad ee7eae77
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : b61dc7bb 408154ba
08/07/04 20:32:31 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:31 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : b61dc7bb 408154ba
08/07/04 20:32:31 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
be1db2bb 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 63ee8b98 c88e237c ca72acad ee7eae77 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce8
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : ad5336b4 5ba1bf72
08/07/04 20:32:31 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 45000074 09c00000 40110653 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 00602ba5 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
be1db2bb 00000054 44ab716d
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : d706f67f d94098ce 44b31e52 5172105a b4725654 
413de0d3 dda00e28 da7a0d4c
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : c847845c 5d778c18 e46d64f6 ad5336b4 5ba1bf72
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abce8 requested
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:31 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
9de3f874 00000054 efbd1367
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 3288f2b6 fabaf092 4c3d8a5f 2c4dffcd 6a1e626e 
722d3adc 09537930 baa16c60
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 3d7218b5 4d514f10 2d3a0136 e0b8d89a b8a3eec5
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : de418977 ecf87a18
08/07/04 20:32:31 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:31 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : de418977 ecf87a18
08/07/04 20:32:31 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
9de3f874 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : bcdf8b1f 57cd5f90 aafead0d 028d3e1c 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce8 00007080
08/07/04 20:32:31 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : e0b8d89a b8a3eec5
08/07/04 20:32:31 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:31 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : bcdf8b1f 57cd5f90 aafead0d 028d3e1c
08/07/04 20:32:31 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:31 0x : bcdf8b1f 57cd5f90 aafead0d 028d3e1c
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abce8 accepted
08/07/04 20:32:31 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:32:31 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:46 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:46 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:46 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:46 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:46 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:46 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:46 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:32:46 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:32:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:46 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:46 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:46 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:46 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 8330ad7e 318bea75 fc56527a e3b58108
08/07/04 20:32:46 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 7967b9a7 27a271bb
08/07/04 20:32:46 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:46 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 7967b9a7 27a271bb
08/07/04 20:32:46 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
ab21b90a 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 8330ad7e 318bea75 fc56527a e3b58108 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce9
08/07/04 20:32:46 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 963fa5e9 2b6c8a5c
08/07/04 20:32:46 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 45000074 0dc00000 40110253 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 00602a5a 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
ab21b90a 00000054 4d3f212a
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : b61efb0a 0d95f22a e18906f7 36467c6c 1a824595 
022f752b 64637ffb a96d38de
08/07/04 20:32:46 0x : 54192d3e dd2901d4 1a748236 963fa5e9 2b6c8a5c
08/07/04 20:32:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abce9 requested
08/07/04 20:32:46 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:47 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
a79c5b88 00000054 7ad42f1e
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : f0201024 435eaaea a30a0804 fd1074b4 8749131c 
81fa2a76 2ad8b0db 1ba6588c
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : 73d2520f 512c917d b7ecb689 bbe738cd 443d559f
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:32:47 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:32:47 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : cc999459 191ca3d8
08/07/04 20:32:47 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:47 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : cc999459 191ca3d8
08/07/04 20:32:47 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
a79c5b88 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : 43f942bf 838bf841 a03d75f6 54770453 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abce9 00000000
08/07/04 20:32:47 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : bbe738cd 443d559f
08/07/04 20:32:47 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:32:47 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:32:47 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : 43f942bf 838bf841 a03d75f6 54770453
08/07/04 20:32:47 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:32:47 0x : 43f942bf 838bf841 a03d75f6 54770453
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abce9 accepted
08/07/04 20:32:47 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:32:47 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:01 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:33:01 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:01 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet 
-> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:33:01 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:02 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:33:02 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : - -> **.**.**.**:4500
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:33:02 >> : hash payload
08/07/04 20:33:02 >> : notification payload
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 4d2ff7c9 bb5e7866 095829da 6604d641
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : f8453f56 cd31cb85
08/07/04 20:33:02 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:02 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : f8453f56 cd31cb85
08/07/04 20:33:02 => : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
f5894dad 00000050 0b000014
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 4d2ff7c9 bb5e7866 095829da 6604d641 00000020 
00000001 01108d28 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abcea
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : cc1e1f0a 82db293f
08/07/04 20:33:02 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> 
**.**.**.**:4500 ( 116 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 45000074 11c00000 4011fe52 c0a81e0a 527f3935 
11941194 0060801c 00000000
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
f5894dad 00000054 57fd8fa4
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 949912ed c62e75f4 26cb7043 ed290592 6ca8069d 
6567f706 1bcbf895 3dff0e54
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : b0c62b3d 2ca7cb64 dafe46f7 cc1e1f0a 82db293f
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 088abcea requested
08/07/04 20:33:02 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:02 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
f613a160 00000054 ef9f7a5d
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 3e1d47fc 25bd438c 8b4bb909 45de6e99 717d8c45 
6d5e2146 04fc9072 84ed1fdb
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 56685b57 a57e7b65 9e3c56fe d25ee603 ee7986a4
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:33:02 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:33:02 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 6700c0a9 23b788c4
08/07/04 20:33:02 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:02 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 6700c0a9 23b788c4
08/07/04 20:33:02 <= : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
f613a160 00000054 0b000014
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : cd0a9c77 8f25df5f 0bba5aa5 2d34b35f 00000020 
00000001 01108d29 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 088abcea 00000000
08/07/04 20:33:02 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : d25ee603 ee7986a4
08/07/04 20:33:02 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:33:02 << : notification payload
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : cd0a9c77 8f25df5f 0bba5aa5 2d34b35f
08/07/04 20:33:02 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:02 0x : cd0a9c77 8f25df5f 0bba5aa5 2d34b35f
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : - data size 4
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 088abcea accepted
08/07/04 20:33:02 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer 
08/07/04 20:33:02 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 3, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet **.**.**.**:4500 -> ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
8f3d88fd 0000004c 6fc5faf4
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 357fd874 142672b8 51c64725 2c5d97bc e6d9082b 
927d046d 166decf8 eb7a0882
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 5e1d6bcc 5940cd41 1086c74a
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : parsing ike packet header
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : attempting to locate phase1 sa for packet
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : processing informational packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : aa2bc034 18ced9b0
08/07/04 20:33:07 =< : using ISAKMP SA 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:07 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : aa2bc034 18ced9b0
08/07/04 20:33:07 <= : decrypt packet ( 76 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 6d4e5d06 f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d 08100501 
8f3d88fd 0000004c 0c000014
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 84182cc7 259e43f7 666e8044 6e319269 0000001c 
00000001 01100001 6d4e5d06
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : f8df2c4b 4cbc40e0 de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:07 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 5940cd41 1086c74a
08/07/04 20:33:07 << : hash payload
08/07/04 20:33:07 << : delete payload
08/07/04 20:33:07 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 84182cc7 259e43f7 666e8044 6e319269
08/07/04 20:33:07 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes )
08/07/04 20:33:07 0x : 84182cc7 259e43f7 666e8044 6e319269
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : informational hash verified
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : received peer DELETE message
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : - **.**.**.**:4500 ->
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : - isakmp spi = 6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 found
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 ref increment ( ref count = 5, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : cleanup, marked phase1 
6d4e5d06f8df2c4b:4cbc40e0de94326d for removal
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 soft event canceled ( ref count = 4 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 hard event canceled ( ref count = 3 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 dead event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 ii : phase1 removal before expire time
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 not found
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 ref decrement ( ref count = 1, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : phase1 deleted ( obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : tunnel ref decrement ( ref count = 4, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : policy not found
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : policy not found
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : tunnel dpd event canceled ( ref count = 3 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : tunnel natt event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : tunnel stats event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : removing tunnel config references
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : removing tunnel phase2 references
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : removing tunnel phase1 references
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : tunnel deleted ( obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : peer ref decrement ( ref count = 1, obj count = 1 )
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : removing all peer tunnel refrences
08/07/04 20:33:07 DB : peer deleted ( obj count = 0 )
08/07/04 20:33:08 ii : ipc client process thread exit ...

I try to mount VPN with zywall 70

Why it doesn't work ?

what can i do with this message "received peer PAYLOAD-MALFORMED 
notification" ?

Where is the error ?


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