[vpn-help] "negotiation timout occurred" in Ubuntu 10

Glen H. Barratt ghbarratt at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 11:57:06 CDT 2010

Hello vpn-help list,

I have looked through your archive and elsewhere on the internet with
this issue and have run out of obvious things to try.

I can connect easily using Windows 7 64bit, but when I try using the
exact same settings in Ubuntu 10, using the 2.1.5 client, I get the
following in the connect window:

config loaded for site '[name removed]'
attached to key daemon ...
peer configured
iskamp proposal configured
esp proposal configured
client configured
local id configured
remote id configured
pre-shared key configured
bringing up tunnel ...
negotiation timout occurred
tunnel disabled
detached from key daemon ...

It "hangs" on "bringing up tunnel" but eventually "negotiation timout
occurred" appears in red. 

I am using the Mutual PSK + XAuth for authentication method.

I have tried connecting with Ubuntu 10 on two different computers and I
get the same thing on both. I have tried altering my sysctl conf files
(setting the _rp settings to 0).

What else can I try to get this working?


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