[vpn-help] Windows 7 Connection Successful but no traffic passing through VPN Tunnel

Brown, Kevin (RTHQ) Kevin.Brown at riotinto.com
Thu Jan 27 00:11:26 CST 2011

Hi All,

I have a problem with Shrew Soft VPN Client.  I was able to setup a Cisco VPN Connection Profile seamlessly.  It worked straight away.  I had slightly more difficulty setting up a Juniper connection, mainly because our implementation is just slightly different.  But never the less, I have been successful in creating the connection and it creates / established the tunnel ok.

The problem I have, is that the traffic does not pass through to the remote network over the VPN tunnel.  If I ping a device or try to VNC to a remote computer, it fails.  I have specified the remote network subnet in the policy tab.

Any recommendations?


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