[vpn-help] VPN Disconnecting multiple times

Em Cielo em.cielo at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 20:15:47 CST 2011

Hi Matt,

I can't seem to figure out via the logs what might have been causing
the issue. I get user authentication failed, then i relogin it works
then at varying degrees of length i get disconnected and I get session
terminated by gateway.  Could you please look into the logs? Thanks a

Kind Regards,

First disconnection :

11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : peer config add message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : proposal config message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : proposal config message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : client config message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : xauth username message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : xauth password message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : local id 'questas.com.au' message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : preshared key message
11/01/07 09:56:55 <A : peer tunnel enable message
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : peer added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local address selected for peer
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : tunnel added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : new phase1 ( ISAKMP initiator )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : exchange type is aggressive
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : <->
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : d8b72451b28b3c61:0000000000000000
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : security association payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : - proposal #1 payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : -- transform #1 payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : key exchange payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : nonce payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : identification payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports XAUTH
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v00 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v01 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v02 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v03 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports nat-t ( rfc )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports FRAGMENTATION
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local supports DPDv1
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local is SHREW SOFT compatible
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local is NETSCREEN compatible
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local is SIDEWINDER compatible
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : local is CISCO UNITY compatible
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:0000000000000000
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : message 00000000
11/01/07 09:56:55 -> : send IKE packet -> ( 550 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 <- : recv IKE packet -> ( 440 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 440 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : message 00000000
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : security association payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : - propsal #1 payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : -- transform #1 payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : matched isakmp proposal #1 transform #1
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - transform    = ike
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - cipher type  = 3des
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - key length   = default
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - hash type    = sha1
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - dh group     = modp-1024
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - auth type    = xauth-initiator-psk
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - life seconds = 7200
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - life kbytes  = 0
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : unknown vendor id ( 28 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 0x : cd8a0a8a 0381115b 16adb3fd 43b28be8 d3f7a005
0000000a 00000614
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : peer supports XAUTH
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : peer supports DPDv1
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : peer supports HEARTBEAT-NOTIFY
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : key exchange payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : nonce payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : identification payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : phase1 id target is any
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : phase1 id match
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : received = ipv4-host
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : peer supports nat-t ( draft v02 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : nat discovery - local address is translated
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : switching to src nat-t udp port 4500
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : switching to dst nat-t udp port 4500
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : DH shared secret ( 128 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : SETKEYID ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : SETKEYID_d ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : SETKEYID_a ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : SETKEYID_e ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : cipher key ( 40 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : cipher iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : phase1 hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : message 00000000
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : encrypt packet ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 132 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : phase1 hash_r ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : phase1 hash_r ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : phase1 sa established
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : <->
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : sending peer INITIAL-CONTACT notification
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - ->
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - isakmp spi = d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - data size 0
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : message 5ad7eb45
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase2 not found
11/01/07 09:56:55 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : processing config packet ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : config not found
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : config added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : message 371783de
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : decrypt packet ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : attribute payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : configure hash verified
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : received config push request
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - IP4 Address =
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - IP4 Netmask =
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - IP4 DNS Server =
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - IP4 DNS Server =
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : sending xauth response for ecielo
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : attribute payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : message 371783de
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : encrypt packet ( 64 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 68 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : processing config packet ( 68 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : config found
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : message f9e8aa70
11/01/07 09:56:55 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : decrypt packet ( 68 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 << : attribute payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : configure hash verified
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : received xauth result -
11/01/07 09:56:55 !! : user ecielo authentication failed
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 soft event canceled ( ref count = 3 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 hard event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 dead event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : sending peer DELETE message
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - ->
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - isakmp spi = d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : - data size 0
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 >> : delete payload
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : cookies d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : message 277e5599
11/01/07 09:56:55 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : config deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : phase1 removal before expire time
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : removing NONE INBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 09:56:55 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 09:56:55 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : removing NONE OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 09:56:55 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 09:56:55 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 09:56:55 !! : failed to remove NONE policy route for
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : removing NONE INBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 09:56:55 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy found
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : removing NONE OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 09:56:55 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : phase1 not found
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy found
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 19 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy found
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 18 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ww : ike packet from ignored, unknown
phase1 sa for peer
11/01/07 09:56:55 ww : d8b72451b28b3c61:2947ad555878b0f5
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : tunnel dpd event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : tunnel natt event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : removing tunnel config references
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : removing tunnel phase2 references
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : removing tunnel phase1 references
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : tunnel deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : removing all peer tunnel refrences
11/01/07 09:56:55 DB : peer deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 09:56:55 ii : ipc client process thread exit ...

Second Disconnection :

11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : peer config add message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : proposal config message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : proposal config message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : client config message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : xauth username message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : xauth password message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : local id 'questas.com.au' message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : preshared key message
11/01/07 10:03:27 <A : peer tunnel enable message
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : peer added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local address selected for peer
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : tunnel added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : new phase1 ( ISAKMP initiator )
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : exchange type is aggressive
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : <->
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : 2a87aeba87fdddd5:0000000000000000
11/01/07 10:03:27 DB : phase1 added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : security association payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : - proposal #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : -- transform #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : key exchange payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : nonce payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : identification payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports XAUTH
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v00 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v01 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v02 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v03 )
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports nat-t ( rfc )
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports FRAGMENTATION
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local supports DPDv1
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local is SHREW SOFT compatible
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local is NETSCREEN compatible
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local is SIDEWINDER compatible
11/01/07 10:03:27 >> : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:27 ii : local is CISCO UNITY compatible
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:0000000000000000
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : message 00000000
11/01/07 10:03:28 -> : send IKE packet -> ( 550 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : phase1 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:03:28 <- : recv IKE packet -> ( 440 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 440 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : message 00000000
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : security association payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : - propsal #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : -- transform #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : matched isakmp proposal #1 transform #1
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - transform    = ike
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - cipher type  = 3des
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - key length   = default
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - hash type    = sha1
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - dh group     = modp-1024
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - auth type    = xauth-initiator-psk
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - life seconds = 7200
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - life kbytes  = 0
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : unknown vendor id ( 28 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 0x : cd8a0a8a 0381115b 16adb3fd 43b28be8 d3f7a005
0000000a 00000614
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : peer supports XAUTH
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : peer supports DPDv1
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : peer supports HEARTBEAT-NOTIFY
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : key exchange payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : nonce payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : identification payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : phase1 id target is any
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : phase1 id match
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : received = ipv4-host
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : vendor id payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : peer supports nat-t ( draft v02 )
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : nat discovery - local address is translated
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : switching to src nat-t udp port 4500
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : switching to dst nat-t udp port 4500
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : DH shared secret ( 128 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : SETKEYID ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : SETKEYID_d ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : SETKEYID_a ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : SETKEYID_e ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : cipher key ( 40 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : cipher iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : phase1 hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : nat discovery payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : message 00000000
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : encrypt packet ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : phase1 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:28 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 132 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : phase1 hash_r ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : phase1 hash_r ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : phase1 sa established
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : <->
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : sending peer INITIAL-CONTACT notification
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - data size 0
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : message 37d48d18
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : phase2 not found
11/01/07 10:03:28 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : processing config packet ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : config not found
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : config added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : message f6c2b450
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : decrypt packet ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : attribute payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : configure hash verified
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - xauth authentication type
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - xauth username
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - xauth password
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : received basic xauth request -
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - standard xauth username
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - standard xauth password
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : sending xauth response for ecielo
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : attribute payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : message f6c2b450
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : encrypt packet ( 86 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 124 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:03:28 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : processing config packet ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : config found
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : message cd1cce34
11/01/07 10:03:28 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : decrypt packet ( 100 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 << : attribute payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : configure hash verified
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : received config push request
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 Address =
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 Netmask =
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 DNS Server =
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 DNS Server =
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : building config attribute list
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 Address
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - Address Expiry
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 Netamask
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 DNS Server
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : - IP4 Subnet
11/01/07 10:03:28 ii : sending config push acknowledge
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 >> : attribute payload
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : message cd1cce34
11/01/07 10:03:28 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:28 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:28 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:03:29 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 68 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : processing config packet ( 68 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 DB : config found
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:29 =< : message c110dc6f
11/01/07 10:03:29 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : decrypt packet ( 68 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:29 << : attribute payload
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : configure hash verified
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : received xauth result -
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : user ecielo authentication succeeded
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : sending xauth acknowledge
11/01/07 10:03:29 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:29 >> : attribute payload
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:29 >= : message c110dc6f
11/01/07 10:03:29 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : encrypt packet ( 60 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:29 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:29 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:03:29 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : enabled adapter ROOT\VNET\0000
11/01/07 10:03:29 ii : adapter ROOT\VNET\0000 unavailable, retrying ...
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : apapter ROOT\VNET\0000 MTU is 1500
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : generating IPSEC security policies at UNIQUE level
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : creating NONE INBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy added ( obj count = 19 )
11/01/07 10:03:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : creating NONE OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : created NONE policy route for
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy added ( obj count = 20 )
11/01/07 10:03:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : creating NONE INBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy added ( obj count = 21 )
11/01/07 10:03:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : creating NONE OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy added ( obj count = 22 )
11/01/07 10:03:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : creating IPSEC INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy added ( obj count = 23 )
11/01/07 10:03:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : creating IPSEC OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : created IPSEC policy route for
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy added ( obj count = 24 )
11/01/07 10:03:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 ii : split DNS is disabled
11/01/07 10:03:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:33 K< : recv pfkey ACQUIRE UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : tunnel found
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : new phase2 ( IPSEC initiator )
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : phase2 added ( obj count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:33 K> : send pfkey GETSPI ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:33 K< : recv pfkey GETSPI ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : phase2 found
11/01/07 10:03:33 ii : updated spi for 1 ipsec-esp proposal
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : security association payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : - proposal #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : -- transform #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : nonce payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : key exchange payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : identification payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 >> : identification payload
11/01/07 10:03:33 == : phase2 hash_i ( input ) ( 244 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 == : phase2 hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 == : new phase2 iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:33 >= : message f53a4b75
11/01/07 10:03:33 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 == : encrypt packet ( 292 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 324 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:33 DB : phase2 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:03:34 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 308 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : processing phase2 packet ( 308 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 DB : phase2 found
11/01/07 10:03:34 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:34 =< : message f53a4b75
11/01/07 10:03:34 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : decrypt packet ( 308 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : security association payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : - propsal #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : -- transform #1 payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : nonce payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : key exchange payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : identification payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 << : identification payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : phase2 hash_r ( input ) ( 276 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : phase2 hash_r ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : phase2 hash_r ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : matched ipsec-esp proposal #1 transform #1
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - transform    = esp-3des
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - key length   = default
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - encap mode   = udp-tunnel ( draft )
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - msg auth     = hmac-sha
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - pfs dh group = modp-1024
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - life seconds = 3600
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - life kbytes  = 0
11/01/07 10:03:34 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:03:34 K> : send pfkey GETSPI ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : phase2 ids accepted
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - loc ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : - rmt ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : phase2 sa established
11/01/07 10:03:34 ii : <->
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : phase2 hash_p ( input ) ( 57 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : phase2 hash_p ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:34 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:34 >= : message f53a4b75
11/01/07 10:03:34 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : encrypt packet ( 52 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 DB : phase2 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:03:34 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 K< : recv pfkey GETSPI ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:34 DB : phase2 found
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : PFS DH shared secret ( 128 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : spi cipher key data ( 24 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : spi hmac key data ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 K> : send pfkey UPDATE ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : spi cipher key data ( 24 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 == : spi hmac key data ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:34 K> : send pfkey UPDATE ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:34 K< : recv pfkey UPDATE ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:34 K< : recv pfkey UPDATE ESP message
11/01/07 10:03:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:03:43 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:43 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:43 >= : message a35d8a3b
11/01/07 10:03:43 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d273 requested
11/01/07 10:03:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:03:43 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:43 =< : message 2bd7346a
11/01/07 10:03:43 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:43 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d273 accepted
11/01/07 10:03:43 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:03:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:03:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:03:58 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:58 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:58 >= : message 611fd2d4
11/01/07 10:03:58 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d274 requested
11/01/07 10:03:58 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:58 =< : message 6ac9b37c
11/01/07 10:03:58 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:03:58 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d274 accepted
11/01/07 10:03:58 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:04:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:04:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:13 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:04:13 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:13 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:13 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:13 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:13 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:13 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:13 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:13 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:13 >= : message f592042b
11/01/07 10:04:13 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:13 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:13 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:13 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:13 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d275 requested
11/01/07 10:04:14 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:14 =< : message a9d57007
11/01/07 10:04:14 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:14 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:14 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d275 accepted
11/01/07 10:04:14 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:04:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:04:29 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:29 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:29 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:29 >= : message b4a96fde
11/01/07 10:04:29 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d276 requested
11/01/07 10:04:29 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:29 =< : message b063e9ee
11/01/07 10:04:29 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:29 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d276 accepted
11/01/07 10:04:29 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:04:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:04:44 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:44 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:44 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:44 >= : message fb4d8ab6
11/01/07 10:04:44 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d277 requested
11/01/07 10:04:44 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:44 =< : message a9aebe27
11/01/07 10:04:44 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:44 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d277 accepted
11/01/07 10:04:44 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:04:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:04:59 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:59 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:59 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:59 >= : message dc85d2e9
11/01/07 10:04:59 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d278 requested
11/01/07 10:04:59 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:59 =< : message 8ce39d5e
11/01/07 10:04:59 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:04:59 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d278 accepted
11/01/07 10:04:59 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:05:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:05:14 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:14 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:05:14 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:05:14 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:14 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:05:14 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:05:14 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:05:14 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:14 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:14 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:14 >= : message f79dafa3
11/01/07 10:05:14 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:14 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:14 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:14 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:14 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d279 requested
11/01/07 10:05:15 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:15 =< : message 567c1f5d
11/01/07 10:05:15 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:05:15 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:05:15 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d279 accepted
11/01/07 10:05:15 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:05:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:05:30 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:05:30 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:05:30 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:30 >= : message 6c30910a
11/01/07 10:05:30 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d27a requested
11/01/07 10:05:30 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:30 =< : message 5607abf0
11/01/07 10:05:30 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:05:30 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d27a accepted
11/01/07 10:05:30 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:05:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:05:45 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:05:45 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:05:45 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:45 >= : message 074470ef
11/01/07 10:05:45 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d27b requested
11/01/07 10:05:45 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:45 =< : message 6fa88599
11/01/07 10:05:45 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:05:45 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d27b accepted
11/01/07 10:05:45 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:05:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:05:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:06:00 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:00 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:06:00 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:00 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:00 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:00 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:00 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:00 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:00 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:00 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:00 >= : message 4d2a4525
11/01/07 10:06:00 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:00 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:00 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:00 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:00 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d27c requested
11/01/07 10:06:01 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:01 =< : message 93833d4d
11/01/07 10:06:01 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:01 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:01 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d27c accepted
11/01/07 10:06:01 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:06:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:06:16 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:16 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:16 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:16 >= : message 1eb69946
11/01/07 10:06:16 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d27d requested
11/01/07 10:06:16 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:16 =< : message 9a4408fa
11/01/07 10:06:16 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:16 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d27d accepted
11/01/07 10:06:16 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:06:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:06:31 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:31 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:31 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:31 >= : message 983aa310
11/01/07 10:06:31 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d27e requested
11/01/07 10:06:31 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:31 =< : message 4456d2c6
11/01/07 10:06:31 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:31 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d27e accepted
11/01/07 10:06:31 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:06:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:06:46 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:46 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:46 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:46 >= : message ad613624
11/01/07 10:06:46 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d27f requested
11/01/07 10:06:46 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:46 =< : message 4beb0a3c
11/01/07 10:06:46 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:06:46 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d27f accepted
11/01/07 10:06:46 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:06:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:06:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:07:01 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:01 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:07:01 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:01 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:01 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:01 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:01 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:01 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:01 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:01 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:01 >= : message b23269a1
11/01/07 10:07:01 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:01 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:01 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:01 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:01 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d280 requested
11/01/07 10:07:02 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:02 =< : message 570a1f30
11/01/07 10:07:02 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:02 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:02 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d280 accepted
11/01/07 10:07:02 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:07:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:07:17 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:17 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:17 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:17 >= : message 23308caf
11/01/07 10:07:17 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d281 requested
11/01/07 10:07:17 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:17 =< : message 058f3f15
11/01/07 10:07:17 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:17 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d281 accepted
11/01/07 10:07:17 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:07:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:07:32 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:32 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:32 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:32 >= : message 448afe0e
11/01/07 10:07:32 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d282 requested
11/01/07 10:07:32 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:32 =< : message 18c1a4f6
11/01/07 10:07:32 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:32 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d282 accepted
11/01/07 10:07:32 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:07:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:07:47 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:47 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:07:47 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:47 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:47 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:47 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:47 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:47 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:47 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:47 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:47 >= : message a85ee2fa
11/01/07 10:07:47 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:47 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:47 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:47 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:47 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d283 requested
11/01/07 10:07:48 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:48 =< : message 819cd18c
11/01/07 10:07:48 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:07:48 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:07:48 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d283 accepted
11/01/07 10:07:48 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:07:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:07:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:08:03 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:03 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:03 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:03 >= : message afeab5eb
11/01/07 10:08:03 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d284 requested
11/01/07 10:08:03 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:03 =< : message b1d5210b
11/01/07 10:08:03 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:03 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d284 accepted
11/01/07 10:08:03 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:08:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:08:18 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:18 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:18 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:18 >= : message 8c5f7c5a
11/01/07 10:08:18 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d285 requested
11/01/07 10:08:18 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:18 =< : message e0cd1dab
11/01/07 10:08:18 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:18 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d285 accepted
11/01/07 10:08:18 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:08:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:08:33 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:33 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:33 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:33 >= : message 814ed1e7
11/01/07 10:08:33 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d286 requested
11/01/07 10:08:33 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:33 =< : message af5853c0
11/01/07 10:08:33 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:33 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d286 accepted
11/01/07 10:08:33 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:08:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:08:48 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:48 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:08:48 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:48 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:48 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:48 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:48 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:48 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:48 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:48 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:48 >= : message 55ab27d1
11/01/07 10:08:48 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:48 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:48 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:48 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:48 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d287 requested
11/01/07 10:08:49 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:49 =< : message 5d476230
11/01/07 10:08:49 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:08:49 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:08:49 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d287 accepted
11/01/07 10:08:49 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:08:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:08:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:09:04 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:04 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:04 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:04 >= : message 6871f0b5
11/01/07 10:09:04 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d288 requested
11/01/07 10:09:04 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:04 =< : message 201fce15
11/01/07 10:09:04 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:04 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d288 accepted
11/01/07 10:09:04 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:09:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:09:19 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:19 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:19 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:19 >= : message d65dbe3d
11/01/07 10:09:19 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d289 requested
11/01/07 10:09:19 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:19 =< : message 8329ebad
11/01/07 10:09:19 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:19 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d289 accepted
11/01/07 10:09:19 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:09:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:09:34 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:34 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:34 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:34 >= : message afac77ae
11/01/07 10:09:34 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d28a requested
11/01/07 10:09:34 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:34 =< : message 9464fe81
11/01/07 10:09:34 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:34 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d28a accepted
11/01/07 10:09:34 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:09:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:09:49 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:49 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:09:49 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:49 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:49 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:49 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:49 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:49 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:49 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:49 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:49 >= : message e18de332
11/01/07 10:09:49 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:49 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:49 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:49 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:49 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d28b requested
11/01/07 10:09:50 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:50 =< : message 72031256
11/01/07 10:09:50 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:09:50 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:09:50 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d28b accepted
11/01/07 10:09:50 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:09:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:09:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:10:05 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:05 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:05 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:05 >= : message cc3fc7a7
11/01/07 10:10:05 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d28c requested
11/01/07 10:10:05 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:05 =< : message e33ba72f
11/01/07 10:10:05 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:05 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d28c accepted
11/01/07 10:10:05 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:10:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:10:20 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:20 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:20 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:20 >= : message b7980acb
11/01/07 10:10:20 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d28d requested
11/01/07 10:10:20 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:20 =< : message fd26b3d4
11/01/07 10:10:20 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:20 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d28d accepted
11/01/07 10:10:20 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:10:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:10:35 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:35 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:10:35 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:35 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:35 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:35 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:35 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:35 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:35 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:35 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:35 >= : message 04c39a7b
11/01/07 10:10:35 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:35 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:35 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:35 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:35 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d28e requested
11/01/07 10:10:36 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:36 =< : message efc2a5be
11/01/07 10:10:36 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:36 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:36 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d28e accepted
11/01/07 10:10:36 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:10:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:10:51 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:51 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:51 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:51 >= : message 0a6e3377
11/01/07 10:10:51 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d28f requested
11/01/07 10:10:51 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:51 =< : message e08d4901
11/01/07 10:10:51 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:10:51 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d28f accepted
11/01/07 10:10:51 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:10:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:10:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:11:06 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:06 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:06 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:06 >= : message 696a0ffc
11/01/07 10:11:06 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d290 requested
11/01/07 10:11:06 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:06 =< : message 84c69ecd
11/01/07 10:11:06 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:06 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d290 accepted
11/01/07 10:11:06 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:11:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:11:21 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:21 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:21 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:21 >= : message 0a8b4c38
11/01/07 10:11:21 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d291 requested
11/01/07 10:11:21 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:21 =< : message a5ab1bca
11/01/07 10:11:21 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:21 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d291 accepted
11/01/07 10:11:21 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:11:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:11:36 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:36 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:11:36 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:36 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:36 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:36 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:36 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:36 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:36 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:36 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:36 >= : message d0f263d6
11/01/07 10:11:36 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:36 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:36 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:36 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:36 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d292 requested
11/01/07 10:11:37 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:37 =< : message 1c48cb88
11/01/07 10:11:37 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:37 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:37 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d292 accepted
11/01/07 10:11:37 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:11:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:11:52 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:52 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:52 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:52 >= : message 9ecf76bf
11/01/07 10:11:52 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d293 requested
11/01/07 10:11:52 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:52 =< : message 83ed4436
11/01/07 10:11:52 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:11:52 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d293 accepted
11/01/07 10:11:52 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:11:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:11:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:12:07 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:07 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:07 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:07 >= : message ece7f0ae
11/01/07 10:12:07 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d294 requested
11/01/07 10:12:07 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:07 =< : message a8dea756
11/01/07 10:12:07 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:07 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d294 accepted
11/01/07 10:12:07 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:12:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:12:22 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:22 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:12:22 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:22 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:22 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:22 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:22 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:22 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:22 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:22 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:22 >= : message 07431f8a
11/01/07 10:12:22 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:22 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:22 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:22 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:22 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d295 requested
11/01/07 10:12:23 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:23 =< : message 8e235b4a
11/01/07 10:12:23 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:23 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:23 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d295 accepted
11/01/07 10:12:23 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:12:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:12:38 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:38 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:38 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:38 >= : message eb1b19ab
11/01/07 10:12:38 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d296 requested
11/01/07 10:12:38 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:38 =< : message f6402962
11/01/07 10:12:38 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:38 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d296 accepted
11/01/07 10:12:38 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:12:43 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:43 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:12:53 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:53 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:53 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:53 >= : message 7124fa6a
11/01/07 10:12:53 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d297 requested
11/01/07 10:12:53 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:53 =< : message 9f983c63
11/01/07 10:12:53 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:12:53 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d297 accepted
11/01/07 10:12:53 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:12:58 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:12:58 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:13:08 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:13:08 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:13:08 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:08 >= : message a448abcf
11/01/07 10:13:08 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d298 requested
11/01/07 10:13:08 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:08 =< : message ca6bb9b1
11/01/07 10:13:08 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:13:08 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d298 accepted
11/01/07 10:13:08 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:13:13 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:13 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:13:23 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:23 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification
11/01/07 10:13:23 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:13:23 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:23 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:13:23 >> : hash payload
11/01/07 10:13:23 >> : notification payload
11/01/07 10:13:23 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:23 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:23 >= : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:23 >= : message 5e767a57
11/01/07 10:13:23 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:23 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:23 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:23 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:23 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 1234d299 requested
11/01/07 10:13:24 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : processing informational packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:24 =< : message 70d566fc
11/01/07 10:13:24 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:13:24 << : notification payload
11/01/07 10:13:24 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : - data size 4
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 1234d299 accepted
11/01/07 10:13:24 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer
11/01/07 10:13:28 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:28 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->
11/01/07 10:13:30 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : processing informational packet ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:30 =< : message b2899ca5
11/01/07 10:13:30 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : decrypt packet ( 76 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:13:30 << : delete payload
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : received peer DELETE message
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : - ipsec-esp spi = 0xe94659aa
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase2 found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : cleanup, marked phase2 0xe94659aa for removal
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase2 soft event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase2 hard event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey DELETE ESP message
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey DELETE ESP message
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : phase2 removal before expire time
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase2 deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 =< : cookies 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:30 =< : message 78033fab
11/01/07 10:13:30 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 << : hash payload
11/01/07 10:13:30 << : delete payload
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : informational hash verified
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : received peer DELETE message
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : - ->
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : - isakmp spi = 2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : cleanup, marked phase1
2a87aeba87fdddd5:51db41cbe975b05c for removal
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 soft event canceled ( ref count = 4 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 hard event canceled ( ref count = 3 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 dead event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : config deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : phase1 removal before expire time
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 not found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : phase1 deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removing IPSEC INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removing IPSEC OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey DELETE ESP message
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey DELETE ESP message
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removed IPSEC policy route for ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removing NONE INBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removing NONE OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removed NONE policy route for ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removing NONE INBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 ii : removing NONE OUTBOUND policy
ANY:* -> ANY:*
11/01/07 10:13:30 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 23 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 22 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 21 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 20 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 19 )
11/01/07 10:13:30 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy found
11/01/07 10:13:30 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 18 )
11/01/07 10:13:31 ii : disable adapter ROOT\VNET\0000
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : tunnel dpd event canceled ( ref count = 3 )
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : tunnel natt event canceled ( ref count = 2 )
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : tunnel stats event canceled ( ref count = 1 )
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : removing tunnel config references
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : removing tunnel phase2 references
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : removing tunnel phase1 references
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : tunnel deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : removing all peer tunnel refrences
11/01/07 10:13:31 DB : peer deleted ( obj count = 0 )
11/01/07 10:13:31 ii : ipc client process thread exit ...

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