[vpn-help] vpn client troubleshooting

Robert Trevino rtrevino at swkey.org
Wed Jun 29 13:58:47 CDT 2011

To Whom It May Concern,




I'm having difficulty connecting my Shrew Soft VPN Client with my AT&T
Novatel wireless mobile broadband card. It says the tunnel has been
established but I still can't connect to my servers. The connection does
establish when I'm using a Sprint usb modem or LAN connection just fine;
it's just my internal broadband card that I'm not able to connect.
Included is my client and gateway information also with a full debug


Client and Gateway Information

VPN Client Version 2.1.7

Windows 7 Professional

Gateway : Watchguard Firebox X5500e

Gateway OS version : XTM V11.3.4


11/06/29 12:54:19 ## : IKE Daemon, ver 2.1.7

11/06/29 12:54:19 ## : Copyright 2010 Shrew Soft Inc.

11/06/29 12:54:19 ## : This product linked OpenSSL 0.9.8h 28 May 2008

11/06/29 12:54:19 ii : opened 'C:\Program Files\ShrewSoft\VPN

11/06/29 12:54:19 ii : rebuilding vnet device list ...

11/06/29 12:54:19 ii : device ROOT\VNET\0000 disabled

11/06/29 12:54:19 ii : network process thread begin ...

11/06/29 12:54:19 ii : pfkey process thread begin ...

11/06/29 12:54:19 ii : ipc server process thread begin ...

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : ipc client process thread begin ...

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : peer config add message

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : peer added ( obj count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local address selected for peer

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : tunnel added ( obj count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : proposal config message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : proposal config message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : client config message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : xauth username message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : xauth password message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : local id 'MUVPN' message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : preshared key message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : remote resource message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : remote resource message

11/06/29 12:54:53 <A : peer tunnel enable message

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : new phase1 ( ISAKMP initiator )

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : exchange type is aggressive

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : <->

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : 7d925454d0d99a64:0000000000000000

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : phase1 added ( obj count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : security association payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : - proposal #1 payload 

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : -- transform #1 payload 

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : key exchange payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : nonce payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : identification payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports XAUTH

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v00 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v01 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v02 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v03 )

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports nat-t ( rfc )

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local supports DPDv1

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local is SHREW SOFT compatible

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local is NETSCREEN compatible

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local is SIDEWINDER compatible

11/06/29 12:54:53 >> : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:53 ii : local is CISCO UNITY compatible

11/06/29 12:54:53 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:0000000000000000

11/06/29 12:54:53 >= : message 00000000

11/06/29 12:54:53 -> : send IKE packet -> ( 465 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:53 DB : phase1 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <- : recv IKE packet -> ( 320 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 320 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : message 00000000

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : security association payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : - propsal #1 payload 

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : -- transform #1 payload 

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : matched isakmp proposal #1 transform #1

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - transform    = ike

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - cipher type  = 3des

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - key length   = default

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - hash type    = sha1

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - dh group     = modp-768

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - auth type    = xauth-initiator-psk

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - life seconds = 86400

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - life kbytes  = 0

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : key exchange payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : nonce payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : identification payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : phase1 id target is any

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : phase1 id match 

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : received = ipv4-host

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : peer supports DPDv1

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : vendor id payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : peer supports nat-t ( draft v02 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : nat discovery payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : nat discovery payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : nat discovery - local address is translated

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : switching to src nat-t udp port 4500

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : switching to dst nat-t udp port 4500

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : DH shared secret ( 96 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : SETKEYID ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : SETKEYID_d ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : SETKEYID_a ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : SETKEYID_e ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : cipher key ( 40 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : cipher iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : phase1 hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : nat discovery payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : nat discovery payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : message 00000000

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : encrypt packet ( 100 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : phase1 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 132 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : phase1 hash_r ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : phase1 hash_r ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : phase1 sa established

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : <->

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : sending peer INITIAL-CONTACT notification

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - data size 0

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : message 8db6d57c

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : phase2 not found

11/06/29 12:54:54 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : processing config packet ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config not found

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config added ( obj count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : message c002be2e

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : decrypt packet ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 2 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : attribute payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : configure hash verified

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - xauth username

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - xauth password

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : received basic xauth request - Please Enter Your
User Name and Password :

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - standard xauth username

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - standard xauth password

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : sending xauth response for rtrevinots

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : attribute payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : message c002be2e

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : encrypt packet ( 90 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 124 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : processing config packet ( 92 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config found

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : message c002be2e

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : decrypt packet ( 92 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <= : trimmed packet padding ( 4 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : attribute payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : configure hash verified

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : received xauth result - 

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : user rtrevinots authentication succeeded

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : sending xauth acknowledge

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : attribute payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : message c002be2e

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : encrypt packet ( 60 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 92 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : building config attribute list

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 Address

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - Address Expiry

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 Netamask

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 DNS Server

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 WINS Server

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : sending config pull request

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 >> : attribute payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : new configure hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : message 9d64b3a3

11/06/29 12:54:54 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : processing config packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config found

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : message 9d64b3a3

11/06/29 12:54:54 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 << : attribute payload

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : configure hash verified

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : received config pull response

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 Address =

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 DNS Server =

11/06/29 12:54:54 ii : - IP4 DNS Server =

11/06/29 12:54:54 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:54 !! : invalid private netmask, defaulting to class c

11/06/29 12:54:55 ii : enabled adapter ROOT\VNET\0000 

11/06/29 12:54:55 ii : apapter ROOT\VNET\0000 MTU is 1500

11/06/29 12:54:55 ii : generating IPSEC security policies at UNIQUE

11/06/29 12:54:55 ii : creating NONE INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:54:55 DB : policy added ( obj count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:54:55 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:54:55 ii : creating NONE OUTBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:54:55 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:54:55 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:00 !! : failed to create NONE policy route for

11/06/29 12:55:00 DB : policy added ( obj count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:55:00 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:00 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:00 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:00 ii : creating NONE INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:55:00 DB : policy added ( obj count = 3 )

11/06/29 12:55:00 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:00 ii : creating NONE OUTBOUND policy ANY:* ->

11/06/29 12:55:00 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:00 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:05 !! : failed to create NONE policy route for

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy added ( obj count = 4 )

11/06/29 12:55:05 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 ii : creating IPSEC INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy added ( obj count = 5 )

11/06/29 12:55:05 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 ii : creating IPSEC OUTBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:55:05 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:05 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:05 ii : created IPSEC policy route for

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy added ( obj count = 6 )

11/06/29 12:55:05 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 ii : creating IPSEC INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy added ( obj count = 7 )

11/06/29 12:55:05 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 ii : creating IPSEC OUTBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:55:05 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:05 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:05 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:09 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:09 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:09 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:09 >= : message db7fc119

11/06/29 12:55:09 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a1 requested

11/06/29 12:55:09 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:09 =< : message fe137e43

11/06/29 12:55:09 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:09 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a1 accepted

11/06/29 12:55:09 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:55:10 !! : failed to create IPSEC policy route for

11/06/29 12:55:10 DB : policy added ( obj count = 8 )

11/06/29 12:55:10 K> : send pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:10 ii : split DNS bypassed ( no split domains defined )

11/06/29 12:55:10 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDADD UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:55:10 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:55:14 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:14 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:55:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:24 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:24 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:24 >= : message ecd6784d

11/06/29 12:55:24 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a2 requested

11/06/29 12:55:24 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:24 =< : message b80d6c35

11/06/29 12:55:24 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:24 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a2 accepted

11/06/29 12:55:24 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:55:34 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:34 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:55:39 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:39 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:39 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:39 >= : message 74526622

11/06/29 12:55:39 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a3 requested

11/06/29 12:55:39 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:39 =< : message debd4e13

11/06/29 12:55:39 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:39 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a3 accepted

11/06/29 12:55:39 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:55:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:54 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:55:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:54 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:54 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:54 >= : message 6524f063

11/06/29 12:55:54 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a4 requested

11/06/29 12:55:54 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:54 =< : message c8afbb8c

11/06/29 12:55:54 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:55:54 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a4 accepted

11/06/29 12:55:54 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:56:09 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:09 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:09 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:09 >= : message 93b0fee9

11/06/29 12:56:09 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a5 requested

11/06/29 12:56:09 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:09 =< : message 8acd752a

11/06/29 12:56:09 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:09 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a5 accepted

11/06/29 12:56:09 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:56:14 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:14 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:56:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:24 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:24 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:24 >= : message 5f568eaf

11/06/29 12:56:24 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a6 requested

11/06/29 12:56:24 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : processing config packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 DB : config found

11/06/29 12:56:24 !! : config packet ignored, ( config already mature )

11/06/29 12:56:24 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:24 =< : message 91796d2b

11/06/29 12:56:24 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:24 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a6 accepted

11/06/29 12:56:24 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:56:34 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:34 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:56:39 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:39 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:56:39 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:39 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:39 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:39 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:39 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:39 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:39 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:39 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:39 >= : message ce6af7da

11/06/29 12:56:39 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:39 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:39 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:39 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:39 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a7 requested

11/06/29 12:56:40 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:40 =< : message e3be3c38

11/06/29 12:56:40 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:40 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:40 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a7 accepted

11/06/29 12:56:40 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:56:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:54 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:56:55 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:55 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:55 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:55 >= : message 6c6418d9

11/06/29 12:56:55 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a8 requested

11/06/29 12:56:55 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:55 =< : message 9659e91f

11/06/29 12:56:55 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:56:55 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a8 accepted

11/06/29 12:56:55 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:57:10 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:10 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:57:10 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:10 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:10 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:10 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:10 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:10 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:10 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:10 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:10 >= : message c7d29863

11/06/29 12:57:10 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:10 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:10 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:10 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:10 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8a9 requested

11/06/29 12:57:13 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:13 =< : message 9bece6bf

11/06/29 12:57:13 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:13 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:13 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8a9 accepted

11/06/29 12:57:13 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:57:14 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:14 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:57:28 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:28 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:28 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:28 >= : message cf133547

11/06/29 12:57:28 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8aa requested

11/06/29 12:57:28 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:28 =< : message c71d5474

11/06/29 12:57:28 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:28 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8aa accepted

11/06/29 12:57:28 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:57:34 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:34 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:57:43 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:43 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:43 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:43 >= : message 17336ba4

11/06/29 12:57:43 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8ab requested

11/06/29 12:57:43 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:43 =< : message a1d58ced

11/06/29 12:57:43 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:43 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8ab accepted

11/06/29 12:57:43 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:57:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:54 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:57:56 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:56 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:56 ii : processing config packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:56 DB : config found

11/06/29 12:57:56 !! : config packet ignored, ( config already mature )

11/06/29 12:57:58 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:58 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:58 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:58 >= : message 2c392d4e

11/06/29 12:57:58 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8ac requested

11/06/29 12:57:58 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:58 =< : message b8675080

11/06/29 12:57:58 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:57:58 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8ac accepted

11/06/29 12:57:58 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:58:13 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:58:13 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:58:13 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:13 >= : message 2842cba6

11/06/29 12:58:13 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8ad requested

11/06/29 12:58:13 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:13 =< : message bd529a01

11/06/29 12:58:13 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:58:13 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8ad accepted

11/06/29 12:58:13 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:58:14 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:14 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:58:28 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:28 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:58:28 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:58:28 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:28 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:58:28 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:58:28 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:58:28 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:28 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:28 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:28 >= : message f05d0396

11/06/29 12:58:28 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:28 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:28 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:28 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:28 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8ae requested

11/06/29 12:58:31 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:31 =< : message dbf91c20

11/06/29 12:58:31 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:58:31 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:58:31 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8ae accepted

11/06/29 12:58:31 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:58:34 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:34 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:58:46 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:58:46 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:58:46 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:46 >= : message 40a0471e

11/06/29 12:58:46 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8af requested

11/06/29 12:58:46 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:46 =< : message a349468a

11/06/29 12:58:46 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:58:46 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8af accepted

11/06/29 12:58:46 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:58:54 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:58:54 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:59:01 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:59:01 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:59:01 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:01 >= : message e305f9c0

11/06/29 12:59:01 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8b0 requested

11/06/29 12:59:01 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:01 =< : message fd0858d1

11/06/29 12:59:01 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:59:01 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8b0 accepted

11/06/29 12:59:01 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:59:14 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:14 -> : send NAT-T:KEEP-ALIVE packet ->

11/06/29 12:59:16 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : sending peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE notification

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:59:16 >> : hash payload

11/06/29 12:59:16 >> : notification payload

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : new informational hash ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 >= : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:16 >= : message 68f2fa0e

11/06/29 12:59:16 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : encrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 116 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE sequence 3190a8b1 requested

11/06/29 12:59:16 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : processing informational packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:16 =< : message c689226e

11/06/29 12:59:16 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : decrypt packet ( 84 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 << : hash payload

11/06/29 12:59:16 << : notification payload

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 20 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : informational hash verified

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : received peer DPDV1-R-U-THERE-ACK notification

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : - data size 4

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : DPD ARE-YOU-THERE-ACK sequence 3190a8b1 accepted

11/06/29 12:59:16 ii : next tunnel DPD request in 15 secs for peer

11/06/29 12:59:24 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet -> ( 56 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : processing informational packet ( 56 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:24 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes )

11/06/29 12:59:24 =< : cookies 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:24 =< : message f5dd0cf8

11/06/29 12:59:24 << : delete payload

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : received peer DELETE message

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : - ->

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : - isakmp spi = 7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : cleanup, marked phase1
7d925454d0d99a64:9a94fe1171ce8213 for removal

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 soft event canceled ( ref count = 4 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 hard event canceled ( ref count = 3 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 dead event canceled ( ref count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : config deleted ( obj count = 0 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : phase1 removal before expire time

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 not found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : phase1 deleted ( obj count = 0 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing IPSEC INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing IPSEC OUTBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removed IPSEC policy route for ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing IPSEC INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing IPSEC OUTBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing NONE INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing NONE OUTBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing NONE INBOUND policy ANY:*
-> ANY:*

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 ii : removing NONE OUTBOUND policy ANY:* ->

11/06/29 12:59:24 K> : send pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 7 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 6 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 5 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 4 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 3 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:59:24 K< : recv pfkey X_SPDDELETE2 UNSPEC message

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy found

11/06/29 12:59:24 DB : policy deleted ( obj count = 0 )

11/06/29 12:59:25 ii : disable adapter ROOT\VNET\0000

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : tunnel dpd event canceled ( ref count = 3 )

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : tunnel natt event canceled ( ref count = 2 )

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : tunnel stats event canceled ( ref count = 1 )

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : removing tunnel config references

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : removing tunnel phase2 references

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : removing tunnel phase1 references

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : tunnel deleted ( obj count = 0 )

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : removing all peer tunnel refrences

11/06/29 12:59:25 DB : peer deleted ( obj count = 0 )

11/06/29 12:59:25 ii : ipc client process thread exit ...

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