[vpn-help] connect to befsx41

Bill Wallick wwwallick at acornpetroleuminc.com
Wed Mar 14 15:34:52 CDT 2012

I am getting an "invalid hash size". can anyone shed some light on this ???
here is the log.

12/03/14 12:14:45 << : security association payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 << : - propsal #1 payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 << : -- transform #1 payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : matched isakmp proposal #1 transform #1
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - transform    = ike
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - cipher type  = 3des
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - key length   = default
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - hash type    = md5
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - dh group     = modp-1024
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - auth type    = psk
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - life seconds = 3600
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : - life kbytes  = 0
12/03/14 12:14:45 << : key exchange payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 << : nonce payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 << : identification payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : phase1 id target is any
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : phase1 id match
12/03/14 12:14:45 ii : received = ipv4-host
12/03/14 12:14:45 << : hash payload
12/03/14 12:14:45 !! : invalid hash size ( 0 != 16 )

Thanks, Bill Wallick, Acorn Petroleum

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