[vpn-help] Configure Shrew VPN Client to connect to Checkpoint Securemote VPN.

icnb.ganhaoh at sapo.pt icnb.ganhaoh at sapo.pt
Sat Mar 24 13:12:02 CDT 2012

Hello, I hope you can help me.
I have Windows local systems in the country who connect to servers  
using Checkpoint VPN-1 NG AI SecuRemote Clients.
To configure this local clients I only need a IP server address, an  
user and a password.
Recently I installed the Ubuntu 11.10 in one computer and I start to  
find an alternative to Checkpoint client.
I found the Shrew VPN Client, because like Checkpoint its use windows  
(GUI), not terminal command line.
Now I have a problem. How can i configure my Shrew client to connect  
to Checkpoint only use IP server address,
user and password. I already try some tests but all not done what I want.
Can you help me? Thanks a lot.
Please send me any response.

Até breve.
Hélder Ganhão - Núcleo Informático
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e Biodiversidade, I.P.
Parque Natural da Ria Formosa - DGAC-Sul
Centro de Educação Ambiental de Marim, Quelfes, 8700 Olhão
Telf: (351) 289 700210  Fax: (351) 289 700219
E-mails: helder at icnb.pt, icnb.ganhaoh at sapo.pt

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