09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : ipc client process thread begin ... 09/09/15 11:05:00 selected for peer 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : tunnel added ( obj count = 1 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : new phase1 ( ISAKMP initiator ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : exchange type is aggressive 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : :500 <-> :500 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : 01f3eff574d1cd36:0000000000000000 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 added ( obj count = 1 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : security association payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : - proposal #1 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #1 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #2 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #3 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #4 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #5 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #6 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #7 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #8 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #9 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #10 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #11 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #12 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #13 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #14 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #15 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #16 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #17 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : -- transform #18 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : key exchange payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : nonce payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : identification payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports XAUTH 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v00 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v01 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v02 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports nat-t ( draft v03 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports nat-t ( rfc ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local supports DPDv1 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local is SHREW SOFT compatible 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local is NETSCREEN compatible 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local is SIDEWINDER compatible 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : local is CISCO UNITY compatible 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : message 00000000 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : send IKE packet :500 -> :500 ( 1180 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv IKE packet :500 -> :500 ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : message 00000000 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : security association payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : - propsal #1 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : -- transform #13 payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != aes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != aes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != aes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != aes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != aes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != aes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != blowfish ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != blowfish ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != blowfish ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != blowfish ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != blowfish ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unmatched isakmp proposal/transform 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cipher type ( 3des != blowfish ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : matched isakmp proposal #1 transform #13 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - transform = ike 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - cipher type = 3des 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - key length = default 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - hash type = md5 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - dh group = modp-1024 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - auth type = xauth-initiator-psk 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - life seconds = 86400 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - life kbytes = 0 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : key exchange payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : nonce payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : identification payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : phase1 id match ( natt prevents ip match ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : received = ipv4-host 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : hash payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : peer is CISCO UNITY compatible 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : peer supports XAUTH 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : peer supports DPDv1 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : peer supports nat-t ( draft v02 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : nat discovery payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : nat discovery payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unknown vendor id ( 20 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 0x : 4048b7d5 6ebce885 25e7de7f 00d6c2d3 c0000000 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unknown vendor id ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 0x : 1088e755 0eb7cd8e 8b8b526b 127af3c8 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : vendor id payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : unknown vendor id ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 0x : 1f07f70e aa6514d3 b0fa9654 2a500407 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : nat discovery - local address is translated 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : switching to src nat-t udp port 4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : switching to dst nat-t udp port 4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : DH shared secret ( 128 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : SETKEYID ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : SETKEYID_d ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : SETKEYID_a ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : SETKEYID_e ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : cipher key ( 32 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : cipher iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : phase1 hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : hash payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : nat discovery payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : nat discovery payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : message 00000000 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : encrypt packet ( 88 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 124 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : phase1 hash_r ( computed ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : phase1 hash_r ( received ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : phase1 sa established 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : :4500 <-> :4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : sending peer INITIAL-CONTACT notification 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - :4500 -> :4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - isakmp spi = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - data size 0 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : hash payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : notification payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : new informational hash ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : message xxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : encrypt packet ( 76 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 108 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase2 not found 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 100 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing config packet ( 100 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : config not found 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : config added ( obj count = 1 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : new config iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : message xxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : decrypt packet ( 100 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : hash payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : attribute payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : configure hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : configure hash_c ( computed ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : configure hash verified 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - xauth authentication type 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - xauth username 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - xauth password 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : received basic xauth request - Enter Username and Password. 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - standard xauth username 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - standard xauth basic password 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : sending xauth response for 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : hash payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 >> : attribute payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : new configure hash ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : message xxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 >= : encrypt iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : encrypt packet ( 80 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : stored iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : send NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 116 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : config resend event scheduled ( ref count = 2 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 !! : phase1 packet ignored, resending last packet ( phase1 already mature ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : resend 1 phase1 packet(s) [0/2] :4500 -> :4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 100 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing config packet ( 100 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : config found 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : message xxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : decrypt packet ( 100 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 !! : validate packet failed ( reserved value is non-null ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 !! : config packet ignored ( packet decryption error ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 !! : phase1 packet ignored, resending last packet ( phase1 already mature ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : resend 1 phase1 packet(s) [1/2] :4500 -> :4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing phase1 packet ( 448 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 !! : phase1 packet ignored, resending last packet ( phase1 already mature ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 -> : resend 1 phase1 packet(s) [2/2] :4500 -> :4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 <- : recv NAT-T:IKE packet :4500 -> :4500 ( 76 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : processing informational packet ( 76 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : new informational iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : cookies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : message xxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 =< : decrypt iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : decrypt packet ( 76 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 <= : stored iv ( 8 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : hash payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 << : delete payload 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : informational hash_i ( computed ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 == : informational hash_c ( received ) ( 16 bytes ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : informational hash verified 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : received peer DELETE message 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - :4500 -> :4500 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : - isakmp spi = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 found 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : cleanup, marked phase1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 soft event canceled ( ref count = 4 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 hard event canceled ( ref count = 3 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 dead event canceled ( ref count = 2 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : config resend event canceled ( ref count = 1 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : config deleted ( obj count = 0 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : phase1 removal before expire time 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 not found 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : phase1 deleted ( obj count = 0 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : tunnel dpd event canceled ( ref count = 2 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : tunnel natt event canceled ( ref count = 1 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : removing tunnel config references 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : removing tunnel phase2 references 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : removing tunnel phase1 references 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : tunnel deleted ( obj count = 0 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : removing all peer tunnel refrences 09/09/15 11:05:00 DB : peer deleted ( obj count = 0 ) 09/09/15 11:05:00 ii : ipc client process thread exit ...