I am attempting to install ShrewSoft VPN on my Windows7 x64 machine and I run into an error during installation stating the following:<br><br>Error 0x8004a029: Couldn't install the network component.<br><br>Now whenever I try to open up a VPN connection via the ShrewSoft VPN Access Management tool it fails stating the following:<br>
<br>configuring client settings ...<br>attached to key daemon ...<br>peer configured<br>iskamp proposal configured<br>esp proposal configured<br>client configured<br>local id configured<br>pre-shared key configured<br>bringing up tunnel ...<br>
network unavailable<br>tunnel disabled<br>detached from key daemon ...<br><br>I have attached a screen shot of the installation error I receive upon installation as well.<br><br>Regards,<br>Kyle S. Bober<br><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. ~Martin Fowler<br><br>