[vpn-help] Mac OSX VPN Client Testing ...

Ger Apeldoorn g.apeldoorn at fundeon.nl
Mon Nov 22 06:33:03 CST 2010

On 11/21/2010 04:10 PM, Matthew Grooms wrote:
> All,
> At the request of a few users, I have put together a new build of the
> OSX port of the VPN client based on the head ( 2.2.x ) sources. This
> build needs more testing, but it appears to be more or less stable in
> my lab environment. There are two pre-requisites before running the
> native install package ...
> 1) Install the LGPL Qt Framework for Mac OSX ...
> http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-opensource-4.7.1.dmg
> 2) Install the current release of the TUN/TAP driver for Mac OSX ...
> http://tuntaposx.sourceforge.net/download.xhtml
> You can then proceed to install the Shrew Soft VPN client ...
> www.shrew.net/download/vpn/vpn-client-install.dmg
> The VPN Access manager should be visible in the Application folder.
> Please report back any issues you may encounter while testing.
> Thanks,
> -Matthew
Ger Apeldoorn

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G.Apeldoorn at fundeon.nl

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Thank you very much for your efforts, it is very much appreciated!

Just a sidenote; although it updates /etc/resolv.conf, the Mac doesn't
seem to be bothered by this and keeps its own DNS configuration.

For a working connection I do the following:
* I connect
* I add the LAN  DNS servers through the

If there's an easier way, please let me know! :)

Thanks again,

Ger Apeldoorn

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