[vpn-help] Priority for Adapter Specific DNS Servers ...

Matthew Grooms mgrooms at shrew.net
Wed Feb 15 19:31:22 CST 2012


For the longest time I thought there was no way to manually influence 
the order in which windows prioritizes adapter specific DNS servers. I 
ran across this solution the other day and wanted to share it with the 
mailing list. Apparently, the DNS server priority is directly related to 
binding order of the associated adapter ...


If you bump up the binding order of the adapter, the DNS servers that 
are associated with that adapter will be preferred over other adapters 
when performing name resolution. For example: By bumping up the Shrew 
Soft Virtual Adapter in the binding order, the DNS servers associated 
with that adapter will be preferred over other adapters set to a lower 
binding order ( when the VPN client is active ).

Hope this helps someone,


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